Mystic Mondays: The Astro Alignment Deck: A Deck and Guidebook for Celestial Connection

by Grace Duong

Featuring vibrant, celestial illustrations and divine information on 80 astrological signs and phenomena, for practicing Astro Alignment: using the symbolism of astrology to explore the cosmos within yourself.

Connect to the guiding power of the cosmos through Mystic Mondays: The Astro Alignment Deck, a brand-new set from Grace Duong, founder and designer of Mystic Mondays. Discover the insights of each of 80 signs, modalities, planets, cosmic phenomena, and more, rendered in stunning colors and vivid details on these durable divination cards. An accompanying 112-page guidebook features astrological profiles and enchanted rituals for using the cards.

🪐 Mystic Mondays Astro Alignment Deck in the wild!

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